In which I prove that I drank the apple kool-aid

Well, my computer blues seem to have been resolved by the purchase of a new external hard drive. Apparently, the ol’ Powerbook just got full up of zeroes and ones, and didn’t want to add one more thing. So now, my entire iTunes library is on the hard drive, and I have to have it attached if I want to play music on my computer, add new songs, or update my iPod. I really didn’t think my iTunes library was that big, but it did free up about 8 GBs on my hard drive, so I may have an exaggerated sense of how big is big.

I’m about due for a new laptop, but we’re going on a fairly ridiculously expensive vacation soon, and I’d like to get through that, and have it paid off, before introducing another enormous charge to my Visa.

Boy, this is starting to seem like a post sponsored by Apple. Disclaimer–it’s not. (But if the nice folks in Cupertino want to send a shiny new MacBookPro for my review, I wouldn’t say no. I’d even promise to return it without many drool stains. It’s the ethical thing, after all.)

And while I’m on the I-love-Apple theme, let me just say, I heart firewire. How do you PC people out there stand having to wait for the USB connection when you’re backing up your computer? Do you just not back up stuff like music and pictures?

July 14, 2007. meta.


  1. Her Bad Mother replied:

    I would like that kool-aid, I think, except that I’m too accustomed to the super-complicated mixture that is Super Fruity PC Punch.

  2. alala replied:

    Uh, yes. We don’t. I dunno, my step-mom has a mac, and I’ve used it a few times, but I just can’t bring myself to take it seriously as a tool. It’s too colorful and cute, like… candy for breakfast.

  3. CamiKaos replied:

    O the woes of the computer game. I am glad you found a solution. My solution is waking up early and getting time in on Mr. K’s laptop before he gets up to do bills and what not…

    Hooray for VACATIONS!

  4. mcewen replied:

    I leave those technicalities to my other half, the computer geek. [translation = I know my limitations]

  5. J. replied:

    I had to do the same thing recently. I wasn’t sure I wanted another piece of equipment sitting out, but having all that free space on the external hard drive is great. Bring on more tunes!

    BTW, I’m on a PC and I too love firewire!

  6. Ashley replied:

    I have a PC. My kids have the mac. 🙂 Drop by my blog, I nominated you for the Power of Schmooze.

  7. Jill replied:

    I have a love affair going with Apple too. I write my books on a Powerbook, and I carry my iPod everywhere when my children haven’t stolen it …

  8. Jeff replied:

    I heart Macs as well. We have a MacBook now and will be buying a Powerbook in the next week or so (because I am still a college student I get a free iPod too! wee!)

    Where you going on vacation???

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