huddle around the Whisper-Ma-phone with me

I realized that I've been writing about the Bee's journey into reading a lot lately, and thought that I shouldn't neglect my Potato.

Lately, we've been reading The Lorax, a Seuss classic, nearly every night. The Potato is deeply enamored of the Lorax. In fact, he sometimes just walks around shouting, "Gluppity glupp! Schloppity schlopp!" just for the heck of it. (My own personal favorite line of the Lorax's? "Sir! You are crazy with greed.")

I love the Lorax too, because he's such a cranky old coot. We're talking about dressing the Potato up as the Lorax for Halloween, because a) it would be adorable, and b) isn't 'cranky old coot' the ideal Halloween costume for a three-year-old? (And did I mention the adorableness?) If I can convince the Bee to dress as the Once-ler, it would be perfect, but I'll have to start looking for elbow-length green satin gloves now, if I want to find them in her size by October. But she'll never agree, unless we make it the Once-ler who wears a sparkly dress.

The Potato has taken to 'reading' to himself every night, after his bedtime stories are over. He insists on keeping the books in bed with him (hmm, wonder where he got that idea?) We can hear him in his room, telling Mr. Bear and his other stuffed animals, the stories of whatever book was read to him that night. It's tremendously sweet. He still hasn't figured out how to read a book that's wearing a jacket, but at least he's stopped dismembering pop-up books. Or perhaps he just doesn't have any whole ones left to dismember. He came to work with me a few weeks ago, and one of my co-workers gave him a pop-up book about dinosaurs, which he had taken down to component parts in about 30 seconds. We're also still working on the idea that leaving books on the floor and then walking all over them is not the world's greatest idea.

Another book that's been getting a lot of play lately is Baseball Saved Us, which is about a Japanese-American boy who is interned with his family during World War II. Both of the kids are into this one, but the Potato seems to look at it quite a lot.

June 1, 2006. books for kids.


  1. chichimama replied:

    So cute! A snuggles abouy 14 books every night and they all tumble out of bed one by one, waking the rest of us. But it is just so cute to see her hugging hem all as she sleeps…

  2. Suzanne replied:

    So sweet! I hear you about the popup books — we’ve had to put ours away indefinitely because of the dismemberment tendency.

  3. chip replied:

    Potato’s gonna be a reader! I love the image of him “reading” to Mr. Bear.
    My BK has an entire library up in his small loft, all stuck between the mattress and the wall, everything from Lord of the Rings to Harry Potter 1-5 to Jon Stewart’s America to a whole bunch of Animorphs and more. It makes it really hard to change the sheets…

  4. MetroDad replied:

    I don’t know what’s cuter…the fact that the Potato sleeps with books in his crib or the fact that he recites the stories to his stuffed animals. I think if that happened to us, I would explode from sheer adorableness.

    My daughter likes pop-up books too. She especially enjoys eating them with ketchup!

  5. Kate the Shrew replied:

    That’s great, start making readers early!

    We’re still working on respect for books here, too, but at least B finally has enough that we can take her to the library safely.

    I think the Lorax is perfect for a three year old. I bet if you find gloves the right size for the Bumblebee, you could dye them.

  6. E. replied:

    The Lorax is wonderful. My three-year-old boy loves all things Seuss.

  7. Tracey replied:

    Love Seuss, tried to dress the twins up as Thing One and Thing Two when they were three, to dismal results (bought great one-piece pajamas for them and everything – ah well).

    Love that us writerly, readerly moms are raising writing, readerly children. Love that the Potato retells his bedtime stories to stuffed animals.

    Love pop-up books, even, or maybe even especially, the ones all mangled from curiousity and love.

    Great post – sorry I have been so absent from posting here. I love your writing and really enjoy reading about you and your family….

  8. Library Lady replied:

    That’s how kids learn to read, you know, reciting the books they know. And I love to watch them “reading” to their toys!

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